References in the fields of climate change and energy


 Assessment of energy and CO2 savings achieved in 2007-2013 by implementation of Operative Programmes (other than Environment and Energy Operative Programme) and development of conceptual model of energy and carbon saving’s calculation in the period of 2014-2020.

  Consultancy services in project entitled “Project preparation for energy utilization of sewage sludge in 5 regional Water Works"

♦  Consultancy services in project entitled “Project preparation in PV solar energy use at the regional Water Works”


♦  Consultancy services and quality control  in the preparation of Green Monitoring Programme (KEOP-7.9.0/12-2013-0034) 


♦  Ogranization of contact group meetings and workshops in the preparation of Green Monitoring Programme (KEOP-7.9.0/12-2013-0034)




 Preparation of background studies related to revision of National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP-3)


 Contribution to revision of Hungary’s Renewable Energy Action Plan


♦  Contribution in preparation of Evaluation Framework of Building Retrofit Programmes





  Evaluation study on interrelation of Hungarian climate change policy and transition to sustainability


♦  Climate change vulnerability assessment - Contribution to  background study of National  Climate Change Strategy


♦  Development of a database on policies and measures in implementation of National Energy Strategy




♦  Evaluation of Program Proposals for EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2009-14: renewable energy use and energy efficiency improvement


 Preparation of National Decarbonization Roadmap 


 Preparation of background papers related to climate change policy concerns of EU 2020 Strategy 




  Background study to the preparation of 2nd National Energy Efficiency Plan


♦  Tananyagfejlesztés: Klímaprogramok, klímastratégiák



2006 - 2010.


 Contribution in preparation of guidelines related to urban climate change - a preparatory work for the Hungarian EU presidency, 2011


♦  Assessment of impacts of and adaptation to climate change on tourism in Hungary


 Environmental assessment and preliminary feasibility study on draft of National Climate Change Act 


 Methodolgy of regional assessment of climate change vulnerability


 Contribution in preparation of 5th National Communication to UNFCCC


 Assessment of regional dimension of climate change vulnerability 


  Preparation of methodology for evaluation of regional level renewable energy sources in Hungary


 Contribution in preparation of financial guaranty schemes related SME's supports in field of energy saving, renewable energy use and environmental management systems


♦  Development a methodology to assess regional climate sensitivities, vulnerabilities and adaptative capacities 


 ENEREGIO: Safe and sustainable energy management in the NUTS-4 level by the optimisation of energy saving and utilization of renewable energy sources in the micro regions


♦  CLAVIER: Climate Change and Variability: Impact in Central and Eastern Europe


 HAGRID Project: Development and meteorological application of new generation grid technologies in the environmental protection and building energy management


♦  Regional climate modelling: the dynamical meteorological study and prediction of the regional climate over Hungary based on numerical weather prediction models


♦  Preparation of a brochure entitled "Climate change, 2007"


 Contribution to professional dialogue and provision of quality control in preparation of National Climate Change Strategy


 CARBON-PRO projekt: Carbon balance drafting and new resources management tools according to Kyoto Protocol 



2001 - 2005.

  Climate change aspects of the Strategic Environmental Assessments


  Possible impact of climate change in the local air quality


♦  Preparation of Project Design Document for biomass burning in Fűzfő Power Plant Joint Implementation project


  INFOKLIMA. Development of a website related to the information dissemination about the climate change 


 Study on the Hungarian participation in the Kyoto flexible mechanism


 Preparation to ratify the Kyoto Protocol: policy analysis related to the environmental, sectoral and economical implications



 References in the fields of 
Strategic Environmental Assessments


  Scoping study for Strategic Environmental Assessment of  Power Plant Development Action Plan


  Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Action Plan for District Heating Development




  Strategic Environmental Assessment of National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP-3)


♦  Strategic Environmental Assessment of the National Fisheries Strategic Plan of Hungary and the Operational Programme for Fisheries of Hungary


♦  Strategic Environmental Assessment of the  Action Plan for Managment of Mineral Raw Materials




  Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Action Plan for Energy Industry Development and R&D


 Strategic Environmental Assessment of National Building Energy Efficieny Strategy


 Strategic Environmental Assessment of the re-newed National Waste Management Plan


♦  Strategic Environmental Assessment of the National Concept on Development and Spatial Planning  



♦  Contribution in preparation of Strategic Environmental Assessment Report to Development Plan of GYSEV Railways Company


 Strategic Environmental Assessment of Framework Strategy on National Sustainable Development


 Strategic Environmental Assessment of ELI-ALPS Program (Extreme Light Infrastructure)



 Evaluation of strategic envrionmental assessments elaborated for the Action Plans 2011-2013 of National Development Plan 


 Strategic environmental assessment of National Energy Strategy


2006 - 2010.

  Mid term evaluation of New Hungary Rural Development Programme


  Danube-SEA: Preparation of SEA within the framework of the Governmental negotiations on the implementation of the Judgement of the International Court of Justice in the case of the Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project


  Options for assessment of climate related sensitivites of plannes, programmes, policies in context of strategic environmental assessment


  Contribution to Scoping Report of a planned Hungarian-Slovak joint Strategic Environmental Assessment concerning Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project


  Strategic Environmental Assessment of Regional Development Operative Program


♦  Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Balaton Development Plan


  Strategic Environmental Assessment of the National Fisheries Strategic Plan of Hungary and the Operational Programme for Fisheries of Hungary


♦  Contribution to the regulatory overview of the state activities related to the Strategic Environmental Assessment


♦  Methodology of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (international exchange of experiences in the framework of Structural Funds Network)


  Strategic Environmental Assessment of National Rural Development Programme


2001 - 2005.

♦  Strategic Environmental Assessment of Vásárhelyi Plan: preparation of climatological study


 Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Regional Operational Program  of National Development Plan, Hungary


  Climatological impact study in the strategic environmental assessment of the Balaton water management


 References in the fields of municipal environmental protection, environmental programs and waste management


  Consultancy services to preparation of Budapest Environmental Programme


  Preparation of Újbuda's Environmental Programme



♦  Contribution in preparation of Development Plan of GYSEV Railways Company 

  Contribution in preparation  of Research, Development and Innovation White Paper (edition of Energy and Environmental sections)


  Development of Environmental Programme for City of Budapest


2006 - 2010.

♦  Contribution in  revision of Environmental Programme of Budapest


♦  Contribution in preparation of 3rd National Environmental Program: Assessment of driving factors influencing state of environment


♦  Preparation of local environmental strategy, development of municipal level environmental management plan as well as review of the waste management plan in Budaörs


  Preparation of strategy of environmental programme for Gyál


2001 - 2005.

♦  Preparation of waste management plans for 13 municipalities in the Szob Micro Region


  Preparation of waste management plans for Gyál


  Preparation of waste management plans for 11 municipalities in the Zirc Micro Region


  Methodology and toolkit for the preparation of local waste management plans


♦  Establishment of  eCOFORUM. Building a network of the municipal and local level environmental initiatives in the framework of the National Development Plan


  Survey among the municipalities and climatological impact assessment in the framework of Vasarhelyi Plan


  Preparation of the Environmental Programming Guidebook in Bács-Kiskun County


♦  Mapping and risk assessment of inland inundation in Pest County


 References in the fields of environmental policies and sustainability policies, environmental strategies, education and training


♦  Development of higher education concept for the preparation of Green Monitoring Programme (KEOP-7.9.0/12-2013-0034)


  Background study in the theme of natural resources for Monitoring Report prepared by National Council of Sustainable Development



  Development of training materials and presentation at Civil Academy for Building's Energetics (Framework Contract)



  Development of key indiactors for sustainable development: indicators of natural resources


  Contribution in ex-ante evaluation of National Rural Development Programme (2014-2020)


  Evaluation of environmental performance of EU-Hungary Partnership Agreement and  National Development Plan 



♦  Review and quaility assurance of university course on energy efficiency programmes



♦  Background study for the development of National Sustainable Development Strategy: assessment of the state and sustainability of natural resources


♦  Development of curriculum for higher education: climate change strategies, climate change programmes


♦  Mid term evaluation of New Hungary Rural Development Programme


2006 - 2010.

 Preparation of conceptual directions and basic principles of sustainable agriculture and rural development


  Evaluation of Applications to Environmental and Energy Operative Programme (framework contract) 


♦  Contribution in preparation of 3rd National Environmental Program: Assessment of driving factors influencing state of environment


♦  Framework contract on common environmental education programs (environmental issues, sustainable development)


  Development of methodology for evaluation of environmental impacts of regional development state aids (financial supports) 


  Integration of environmental policy priorities in projects financed by EU Structural Funds


  Overview of the environmental activites of SMEs: assessment of projects implemented in the framewrok of NDP's Economic Development Operative Programme


2000 - 2005.

  Quality control of European Social Fund project proposals. Participation in the evaluation team, coordination of the Working Group of regional development


  "Roma energy": improve the energy access and energy efficiency in the disadvantaged communities in Hungary

♦  Study on the environmental aspects of the district heating services


  Elaboration of guidelines for IPPC permit applications, assigned by the Ministry of Environment and Water


  Contribution to the preparation of the National Development Concept


  Preparation of environmental working documents to the Parliament Report on the revision of National Development Concept


♦  Possible introduce of hybrid governance systems in the Hungarian environmental policy


  Role of "Cardiff-process" in the environmental policy integration: governmental tasks, possible impacts


  Development methodology for the assessment of state of environment in Hungary


♦  Development guidelines for promoting environmental partnership in Pest County


  Survey and assessment of the mid-term environmental plans of the municipalities


  Preparation of the New Hungarian Energy Policy. Elaboration of the chapter on environment in the policy document


♦  Contibution and advisory services to the preparation of Climate Change Action Programme of the National Environmental Programme


♦  Study on harmonization of EU Implementation Plans and the 2nd National Environmental Programme


♦  Feasibility study of the establishment of "Quarterly Journal of Environmental Protection and Nature Conservation"


  “Quick test” of the project level environmental performance. Development of a methodology to assess the environmental added values of various socio-economic projects and development policies 

  Preparation of the 2nd National Environmental Programme in Hungary


  ECO-21: Environmental-related indicator development. Coordination of the working group responsible to propose a set of sectoral, regional and complex indicators of the environmental performance.


  Feasibility study of EU conform reform of the National Environmental Fund


  Joint Environmental Programme of the Visegrad Countries. Preparation of a common framework programme for Czech Rep., Poland, Hungary and Slovak Rep.


  Concept and strategic framework of the 2nd National Environmental Programme


  Development progress monitoring indicators related to environmental-related state aids


  Long term environmental scenarios. Preparation of various environmental outlooks up to 2010 in Hungary


 References in the fields of environmental permit procedures, environmental impact assessments

2006 - 2010.

  Evaluation of environmental plan and quality plan related to the tenders aiming at environmental remediation of Óbuda Gas Factory


♦  Contribution in preparation of Development and Structural Plan of Etyek-Alcsut: local ecological and biodiversity assessment


  Ensuring continuous environmental administration services (environmental outsourcing) for a brick manufacturing plant (Hajdú Tégla Ltd., Hajdúnánás, Hungary) 


  Revision of environmental sections of the build permit documentation of Korda Film Studios in Etyek for construction phase 3


  Preparation of environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the office building in the Váci street 144-150, Budapest


 Preparation of Project Design Document for Kaposvár landfill gas utilization Joint Implementation project


  Elaboration of environmental sections of the build permit documentation of Korda Film Studios in Etyek for construction phase 1, 2 and 3.


♦  Preparation of environmental impact assessment (EIA) for PERLA Shopping and Entertainment Centre built in Pápa


  Perform Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and elaborate Environmental Report for the Korda Film Studios and its connected installations in Etyek.


2001 - 2005.

♦  Elaboration of complex environmental (IPPC) permit documentation for a brick manufacturing plant (Hajdú Tégla Ltd., Hajdúnánás, Hungary)


♦  Elaboration of complex environmental (IPPC) permit documentation for a brick manufacturing plant (Szentesi Téglagyár Ltd., Szentes, Hungary)


  Elaboration of complex environmental (IPPC) permit documentation for a brick manufacturing plant (Wienerberger Ltd., Bátaszék, Hungary)